Friday, January 11, 2013


Why Hello Blog World! I use to have a blog a long time ago, but I quit blogging because my life was a bit of a mess (and still is) and I didnt feel like at that time blogging about what I was going through. After a couple years of mending. I feel like I would like to start blogging again. We will see if I even have any readers out there still...probably not! haha! I am not much of a writer or have anything exciting going on in my personal life. I do have a nephew and wonderful family that I love more than anything in the world! I would do anything for them and would rather something bad happen to me than them. I plan to blog from my journal that I have been keeping. Some of it will be hard to blog and share and some of it will be fun/crazy stories about me learning new things from living on my own. I know that I am no where near perfect. And to be honest, who is?

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